I Can’t Do That… Yet.
Because I'm New
Written & Illustrated by Brad Sneed
Age Level: 2-5 Years
Published March 15, 2021
Okay, so what can you do?
I’m all about setting expectations, and this funny yet frank book about bringing home a new baby hits the nail on the head.
The book opens with a little boy sitting on the living room couch bursting with anticipation for his parents to come home from the hospital with his new sibling. But once the baby - whose gender is never identified - arrives, he discovers that they aren’t much of a playmate. Baby can’t run races, catch, or play hide-and-seek; baby cries for no reason; baby can’t do a single thing for itself. Ooof, reality. But! Baby can watch, listen, and learn, and big brother is its favorite.
“But I can see. I like to watch you play.
And I can hear. I like the sound of your voice.”
The story takes a sweet turn as the baby gets older and is able to keep up and be a buddy. Every parent’s heart will swell watching their bond form across the pages, sweetly showcasing every child’s first and most enduring friendship - the one you have with your sibling.
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