A Story that Reads Like a Lullaby

A Sick Day for Amos McGee
Written by Philip C. Stead, Illustrated by Erin E. Stead
Age Level: 2-6 Years
Published May 25, 2010

A sweet story of friendship and taking care of others.

This gentle story about a zookeeper who catches a cold and is visited at home by his dear animal friends completely captured my son’s heart. We read it every single night at bedtime for months, with him commenting on the sweet gestures of friendship throughout the book, and me lingering over the gorgeous woodcut and pencil illustrations. There is a quiet, soothing feel to the book that my children and I adore. The opening pages introduce Amos by going through his morning routine, which in its simple beauty and unchanging nature feels less like mere routine and more like his morning ritual.

“Amos McGee was an early riser. Every morning when the alarm clock clanged, he swung his legs out of bed and swapped his pajamas for a fresh-pressed uniform.”

It’s clear that Amos is more than just a reliable zookeeper; he is a devoted friend to the animals and takes immense pleasure in caring for them every day. He sees each animal’s greatest need, and tends to it with patience, empathy, and tenderness. Therefore, it’s no surprise that on the day Amos wakes up with a cold and can’t go to work, his animal friends show him equal kindness. Together, they ride the bus to his house and spend the day quietly caring for him and nursing him back to health. 

This book envelopes you in a calm, loving world that is perfect for nestling in on any given day. Not just sick days. 

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