Is It Too Early for Wine?
Ruby Finds a Worry
Written & Illustrated by Tom Percival
Age Level: 3-8 Years
Published September 3, 2019
Anxiety 101: Let’s Talk About It
This book has been doing double duty these past several months by soothing my kids’ nerves and giving me a midday pep talk. It’s a sophisticated yet kid-friendly “Feelings” book that helps my son recognize when he is stressed or anxious, and offers the tools to deal with those complex, common feelings.
Ruby is happy, carefree, and confident. Then one day she discovers a Worry, and it won’t leave her alone. At first, Ruby’s Worry is small and she barely notices it. But the longer she tries to ignore it, the bigger it gets, the larger it looms, and the heavier it weighs on her. Colors drain from the illustrations, leaving everything in shades of grey except Ruby and her unwanted companion, her Worry.
“It was there at breakfast, staring at her over the cereal box. And it was STILL there at night, when she brushed her teeth.”
At the park, Ruby sees a boy sitting alone on a bench looking miserable. Hovering behind him, she identifies a familiar sight - a Worry! Ruby sits beside him and asks what’s wrong, and to both of their amazement, the boy’s worry shrinks as he talks. The same thing happens when Ruby shares her feelings, and soon they both feel tremendously better. Unburdened, Ruby’s world is back in full color.
My kids and I find reassurance in Ruby's ability to keep her Worry monster in check. It helps us keep our own demons at bay. Thanks, Ruby, I need all the help I can get these days.
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